Global logistics conference attracts major sponsors
Released on = April 4, 2006, 8:01 pm
Press Release Author = Sun Communications PR & Media
Industry = Transportation & Logistics
Press Release Summary = Leading specialist in global transportation of break-bulk, project and heavy-lift cargo Rickmers-Linie joins international outsized air bridge group Volga-Dnepr as major sponsors of the Worldwide Project Consortium (WWPC) Partnering for the Future annual conference in Cartagena, Colombia, from May 11-12.
Press Release Body = Aquarius Shipping Colombia Ltd, in conjunction with their parent company and long-standing WWPC conference sponsor, TBS Shipping Services, is the event host in Cartagena. Delegates are staying at the Hotel Las Americas Global Resort Speaking from his head office in Brisbane, Australia, WWPC General Manager and Director, Kevin Stephens, said the Conference has attracted over 80 companies, industry leaders and decision-makers, as well as key speakers from the heavylift shipping and air-charter industry, as well as leading senior managers from within the construction and engineering sector. "Rickmers-Linie, Volga-Dnepr and TBS Shipping have been long standing sponsors of the conference and will keep the consortium up-to-date on support that is available in delivering tailor-made, innovative and efficient transportation solutions for our clients," Mr Stephens said. "The conference is a unique opportunity to network among leading transportation experts with a track record of success, and further develop strategic partnerships." Rickmers-Line ( includes a fleet of nine multipurpose container vessels specially designed and developed to carry overdimensional units. Volga-Dnepr ( is an international group of companies with the principal business of providing Antonov AN-124-100 Ruslan aircraft services to transport outsize and heavy cargo. TBS Shipping ( maintains a diverse and flexible fleet of multipurpose cargo ships and bulk carriers, and an international network of regional offices in every major trading area. For further information about WWPC visit
Web Site =
Contact Details = Kevin Stephens available for interview on +61 7 3268 2021
Issued on behalf of WWPC by Rodger Hall, Sun Communications PR and Media. Email: Phone 0418 716 893.
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